I det lille udstillingsrum på Sydhavn Station, udstiller David Johnson under titlen, Isolation Location. Udstillingen er kurateret af Daniel McGrath og viser en serie fotografier fra McGrath’s Isolation Room / Galleri Kit i sit hjem på 6113 Dewey Ave i St. Louis (USA).
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the life gets in” - Leonard Cohen
David Johnsons Isolation Location skildrer det rum, han fandt både udenfor og indenfor Isolation Room i St. Louis. I hans billeder viser han os det sted, hvor farver og værdier opløser hinanden i uventede hjørner og led. Små detaljer forstørres og synes at være uhyggelig velkendte og fremmedgørende på én gang, såsom et lille ar eller mærke fra en skrue på en MDF plade. Dette kan betegnes som små skønhedsfejl, som er lette at overse, ligesom aldring og forfald kan bortforklares som forandring…
In the smaller exhibition space of Sydhavn Station, David Johnson is showing his work, Isolation Location. The exhibition is curated by Daniel McGrath and shows a series of photographs from McGraths Isolation Room / Gallery Kit in his own home at 6113 Dewey Ave in St. Louis (US).
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the life gets in” - Leonard Cohen
David Johnson’s Isolation Location depicts the space he found both outside and inside Isolation Room in St. Louis. In his pictures he shows us the place where colors and values dissolve into each other in unexpected corners and joints. Small details loom large and to see the photographs is eerily familiar and alienating all at once. Such as a tiny scar or mark left over from a screw puncturing a sheet of MDF. These things are imperfections that one notice in everyday interactions with the living space, easy enough to dismiss, like aging and decay is explained away as mere change…
David Johnson is an artist from St. Louis, MO. He received his MFA in Visual Art from Washington University in St. Louis in 2007. His artwork examines the concrete intersections of society, architecture and the individual. In the process, he searches for revealing details within the commonalities of everyday man-made environments, as he examines domestic, office and exhibition spaces. David has been showing his works in various contexts in the US and in 2011, he was awarded the Great Rivers Visual Arts Award from the Gateway Foundation. For more information about his work: www.davidjohnsonstudio.com
Isolation Room is a white cube box and a 7’ x 7’x 9’ Gallery Kit (2010), which is occupying the dining room in the private home of McGrath in St. Louis. The kit can be built in any existing interior space at minimal cost ‘DIY’ and in the months of June and July 2013, there’s also one in the hall of the Factory of Art and Design in Copenhagen. Isolation Room is an evolving project that will focus on one artwork per exhibition cycle. Each piece will be placed in a physical state of quarantine, situated in a modular viewing space inviting an extended period of contemplation. Building on an ongoing interest in containment, the constructed room allows for the smallest possible collaboration between the gallery space, curator, artist and audience. At its core one work stands in isolation. More information: www.isolationroom-gallerykit.com