Velkommen til åbning på denne særlige sommer event, Inside Zone - en hyldest til den russiske filminstruktør, Andrei Tarkovsky, som finder sted i weekenden den 4.-6. juli på Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station.
Eventen er et interdisciplinært research projekt, som er initieret af den rumænske kunstner, forfatter og residency koordinator, Florin Dan Prodan. Arrangementet bygger på et koncept af zonen, som det er beskrevet i Stalker - et mesterværk af filminstruktøren, Andrei Tarkovsky. Filmen er baseret på romanen Picnic ved vejkanten af Strugatsky brødrene. Den portrætterer en risikabel og mystisk ekspedition ledet af Stalker, som tager sine to klienter til et område kaldet Zonen, et lovløst område, hvor det mest af alt handler om liv og død. Formålet med turen er at finde Rummet, som siges, at kunne opfylde en persons inderste ønsker.
Arrangementet består af en præsentation af residencyet, Inside Zone i Borsec, Transsylvanien. Det sker i form af en multimedie installation med screening af Tarkovsky’s Stalker og videoværker af kunstnerne Caro Krebietke (DE), Sanne Kabalt (NL) og Cory Kram (US). Derudover vil der til åbningen være oplæsning fra Inside Zone antologien med bidrag af kunstnere Omar Bhatia (UK), Cliff Forshaw (UK), Florin Dan Prodan (RO), George Serediuc (RO) og Mathura (EE). Til dette arrangement har Prodan samlet nogle af de kunstnere, som har rejst gennem dette unikke landskab, hvor Inside Zone er placeret - nemlig i et gammelt, luksuriøst spa og velvære resort fra tiden før 1. Verdenskrig. I årtier har man valfartet hertil for dets healende mineralvand, men med kommunismens fald blev byen forladt og i dag står byen delvist hen som ruiner.
Kombinationen af billederne af Tarkovsky’s zone og dem fra Borsec har strukturen og logikken af en spirituel rejse. En rejse, der synes at være ideel at begynde på stationen i Sydhavnen - et rum, hvor tog og rejser starter hvert minut ...
Skal du heller ikke på Roskilde Festival? Så kig forbi på stationen, hvor du vil have mulighed for at høre meget mere om dette særlige residency program eller hvis du blot er interesseret i Andrei Tarkovsky’s arbejder. Florin Dan Prodan vil være tilstede i åbningstiderne – så kom og få en snak og en lille forfriskning. I vores plakatholdere vil du desuden have mulighed for at se udstillingen, NORMAL GRAFIK, af Michael Norre.
Håber vi ses!
Florin Dan Prodan (f. 1976) er i København igennem i Statens Kunstfond’s internationale research program. Han er digter, multimedia kunstner og kulturformidler, der bor i Rumænien. Prodan har en BA i Litteratur og en MA i Kulturel Antropologi og Litteraturhistorie. Han driver Artfest Cultural Association og er leder af Zidul de Hartie, en rumænsk forfatter- og billedkunstner organisation, som blev grundlagt i 2008. Siden 2007 er han administrerende direktør for Inside Zone residenciet, én årlig international kunstfestival og kunstner residency i Borsec, Transsylvanien samt Seven days in Asia en kunst-og filmfestival i Suceava (RO). Han har udgivet bøgerne: On the Road. Travel poems, Shambhala Press, Nepal, 2012, Poem pentru Ulrike, Vinea, 2013, Poeme si note informative despre eroi si morminte, Zidul de Hartie, 2014.
We are happy to present a special summer event at Exhibition Space Sydhavn Station: A personal tribute to the Russian filmmaker, Andrei Tarkovsky in the weekend of July 4-6 at the Exhibition Space Sydhavn Station.
The event, Inside Zone, is an interdisciplinary research project initiated by the Romanian poet and artist, Florin Dan Prodan. It is based on a concept of the ZONE as it is described in Stalker - a masterpiece of Andrei Tarkovsky. The movie is based on the novel Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky brothers. It portrays a risky and mysterious expedition led by the Stalker. He takes his two clients to a site known as the Zone, a forbidden area, where the normal laws of physics no longer apply. The purpose of the trip is to encounter The Room, which has the supposed potential to fulfill a person's innermost desires.
The event at Exhibition Space Sydhavn Station will not only encompass a book launch & poetry reading from the Inside Zone poetry anthology (authors: Omar Bhatia (UK), Cliff Forshaw (UK), Florin Dan Prodan (RO), George Serediuc (RO), and Mathura (EE)), but also a presentation of the Transylvanian art residency and festival called Inside Zone in Borsec, and a multimedia installation comprising simultaneous screenings from the movie, Stalker and short videos of the artists (Caro Krebietke (DE), Sanne Kabalt (NL), and Cory Kram (US), who have all been passing through this unique landscape of Transylvania. – An area in Borsec that use to be an old, luxurious spa and wellness resort from before World War I. For decades, people flocked here for its healing mineral water, but with the fall of communism, the city was abandoned and today the city is in partly in ruins.
The combination of the images of Tarkovsky’s Zone and the ones from Borsec has the structure and logic of an itinerary for a spiritual journey. A journey, that seems ideal to begin at the station of Sydhavn – a space, where the trains and journeys starts every minute…
Not going to Roskilde Festival? Then drop by the station where you will be able to hear much more about this particular residency program or if you are interested in Andrei Tarkovsky's work. Florin Dan Prodan will be present during opening hours - so come and have a chat and a little refreshment. In our poster holders, you will also have the opportunity of seeing the exhibition, NORMAL GRAFIK by Danish artist, Michael Norre.
Hope to see you at the station!
Florin Dan Prodan (b. 1976) is in Copenhagen through the International Research Programme for Visual Arts at the Danish Arts Foundation. He is a poet, multimedia artist and cultural promoter living in Romania. Prodan holds a BA in Literature and an MA in Cultural Anthropology and Comparative Literature. He runs Artfest Cultural Association and is the leader of Zidul de Hartie, a Romanian writers’ and visual artists’ group founded in 2008. Since 2007, he is the executive director of Inside Zone, a yearly international arts festival and artist residency in Borsec, Transylvania and Seven days in Asia an arts and film festival in Suceava city. He published poetry books such On the Road. Travel poems, Shambhala Press, Nepal, 2012, Poem pentru Ulrike, Vinea, 2013, Poeme si note informative despre eroi si morminte, Zidul de Hartie, 2014.
For more information about the Inside Zone Residency, please visit: or contact Florin Dan Prodan: