Sydhavn Station har i disse dage fået en ny frontfigur i form af Charles Svejstrup Madsens statue, Fiskekone fra Gl. Strand. Fiskerkonen blev opstillet i 1938 til ære for det møjsommelige arbejde, som fiskerkonerne udførte på Gl. Strand. I forbindelse med Metrobyggeriet var hun blevet sendt til opmagasinering, men på foranledning af Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station er hun nu atter kommet frem i lyset, alt imens byggeriet står på.
I forbindelse med Fiskerkonens besøg har Udstillingsstedet Sydhavn Station ligeledes opsat et billboard under jernbaneoverskæringen, hvori man sammen med Fiskerkonen vil kunne se skiftende plakatudstillinger arrangeret af stationens kunstnere fra sommeren 2015 og et år frem.
Den tredje udstiller i rækken er Heidi Hove, som viser en fotografisk afbildning af en redningskrans fra et fiskerleje i Danmark. Redningskransen er ikke kun et konkret redskab – det er også et symbol på beskyttelse. I cirklen er man sikret mod udefrakommende farer eller påvirkninger, men den er også en defineret enhed - en celle. Denne repræsentation af redningskransen kan aflæses som en afbildning af et håb om frelse snarere end en reel garanti for at blive reddet.
Lifesaver at Sydhavn Station
Sydhavn Station has got a new temporary monument in front of its building. It is Charles Svejstrup Madsen's statue, Fishwife from Gl. Strand. The statue was erected in 1940 in honor of the laborious work that the fisherwomen performed at Gl. Strand. In connection with the Metro construction work in the inner city of Copenhagen, she was sent to storage though, but on behalf of Exhibition Space Sydhavn Station she has now been brought back into to the light, while the construction at Gl. Strand takes place.
In relation to the visit of the Fishwife, Exhibition Space Sydhavn Station has placed a new billboard frame under the railway crossing. Here, you will be able to see changing art exhibitions organized by the station's 10 artists from the summer of 2015 and one year ahead along with the display of the Fishwife.
The third billboard exhibition in the series is by Heidi Hove. She shows a photographic representation of a lifesaver from a fishing village in Denmark. The lifesaver is not only a practical tool - it is also a symbol of protection. In the circle, one is safe and protected from any dangers or outer impacts, but it is also a well-defined unit - a cell. Through the representation of the lifesaver only, it can be read as a hope for salvation rather than a real guarantee of being rescued.